FCIC March Newsletter

Fort Collins International Center Newsletter Returns!

FCIC Program Updates, Upcoming Events, and Volunteer Opportunities

69th World Unity Fair

World Unity Fair and International Bazaar

Special thanks to Bronwen Watts and her ISSS/OIP team for organizing the 69th year of this special event attended by over 3.800 people!  And a huge round of applause for our youngest FCIC 'board volunteer, Grace Oberschmidt, who led a team of 30 volunteers who helped raise over $3,100 at this year's International Bazaar!    Their hard work and organizational skills are much appreciated by our FCIC members and board.

Chinese New Year FAC

Program in the Spotlight

Friday Afternoon Club (FAC) is back!

Join us at International House (1400 W. Elizabeth) on the last Friday of each month to share a meal, make friends, and enjoy conversations. FAC potlucks have been a CSU tradition for almost 50 years. Join us and connect with our international community, learn about special activities or volunteer opportunities, and engage in new friendships from around the world in this relaxed, social setting. FAC potlucks are free and open to the CSU community.

If you would like to bring a dish to share, please remember we must follow CSU food guidelines, keeping hot food hot and cold food cold.  Dishes must also be ready to serve when you arrive.

Dates and themes are found in our newsletter and on our website. 

Sponsored by Fort Collins International Center and Colorado State University’s International House/University Housing and Office of International Programs. For more information,   contact [email protected].

From our participants:

“The FAC is awesome. It’s a great experience to meet people from different nations and cultures. It is such an amazing thing to meet new people and broaden my knowledge about the world.” Inqman, Iraq

“The diversity of nationalities at the FACs is very good because you feel like all human beings are equal. I think meeting people from all over the world makes you feel the joy of life and understand life from different points of view.” Zana, Kurdistan

January FAC – The Chinese New Year event was enjoyed by around 100 attendees, with a special donation from Chili House.

Mark your calendars for the next FACs:

  • March 28, 2025: Spring Potluck theme

  • April 25, 2025: Garden Greens theme

  • May 30, 2025: Graduation theme

GASP (Global Ambassador Speakers Program)

The McGraw International Evening on February 20 was a huge success. We had 13 presenters engaging with students in interactive cultural experiences. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.

Baby feet

Welcome & Baby Support

  • Baby supplies (diapers, wipes, snow suits) are well-stocked, but if you know any expecting moms, please connect them with our services.

Tree and lake

Outdoor Programs

Upcoming Hikes

  • April 12: Vedauwoo Hike

  • May 10: Lumpy Ridge Hike

  • June 21: North Lone Pine Hike

  • July: Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo

  • August 16: Mount McConnel Hike

International Nights

Upcoming dates:

  • Tuesday, March 25, 2025 from 6-8 p.m. at Old Town Library

  • Tuesday, April 29, 2025 from 6-8 p.m. at Old Town Library

  • Tuesday, May 13, 2025 from 6-8 p.m. at Global Village Museum

  • Tuesday, August 12, 2025 from 6-8 p.m. at Global Village Museum

  • Tuesday, September 23, 2025 from 6-8 p.m. at Old Town Library

  • Tuesday, October 14, 2025 from 6-8 p.m. at Global Village Museum

  • Tuesday, November 25, 2025 from 6-8 p.m. at Old Town Library

Social Media & Website Updates

Stay up to date with all the upcoming programs through our Facebook page. We update the Facebook posts weekly! Also, check out our newly branded Fort Collins International Center website!

Conversational English

Thursday Class: The class has been lively, with students from diverse backgrounds and levels. Recently, the class had fun dancing a Reel and participating in a yoga lesson by a student.

Monday Class: From now on the Monday class will be held at UV Center which is at 1600 West Plum Street, also called 1600 University Village.  We meet each Monday morning from 9:30 to 11 a.m.(This is the same location as the Thursday English conversation group.) 

International Friends

The International Friends program had the opportunity to match 15 students this school year with a Community Friend. We had students from Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Brazil, China, Czech Republic, Japan, India, Nepal, Peru, Indonesia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Vietnam apply for a friend this year. If you are interested in becoming an international friend, sign up on our website.

International Women's Club members

International Women’s Club

Now meeting at the I House, 1400 West Elizabeth. We meet each Friday morning from 9:30 to 11:00 am

Membership Notes

Thank you to all for supporting our Programs!  In 2024-25, 40 Members joined Fort Collins International Center.  

FCIC welcomes the following new Members: 

  • Jane and Mike Burke                                                 

  • Lori and Moorcraft Dunn

  • Jeannette Hoffman

  • Mary Ellen Holmes

  • Noreen and Dennis Houska

  • Sara and Doug Hunt

  •  Helen and James Layman

  • Bethany Martin

  • Diana May and Richard Munn

  • Cathie McCallum

  • Joe and Annie McCarthy

  • Selena Paulsen

President’s Column

During the Membership Drive, the Emergency Fund was highlighted as an optional category for additional donations to the Fort Collins International Center (FCIC). Several members expressed interest in learning more about the FCIC emergency funding. The Jim Graham Emergency Fund originated from a generous family donation to FCIC. Although the funds are held by FCIC, they are managed jointly by FCIC and the Office of International Programs. Over the years, these funds have been used to assist international students facing extreme emergencies (international turmoil, food or housing insecurity, etc). In general, FCIC helps students when no other funding is available.

The fund provides support in the form of loans and grants. However, both are carefully limited to ensure the sustainability of the fund’s limited resources. If you have any questions about the Emergency Fund or would like to learn how to donate, please contact Vickie Traxler, Membership Chair, or myself, Mark Oberschmidt